Prophecy of the Underworld

Prophecy of the Underworld

Feb 20, 2022

  • Children
When the prophesied hero unexpectedly dies on the eve of the quest to save the world, thirteen-year-old Julian Kee is chosen as a last-minute replacement. Together with his best friends, he must journey into a parallel world (known as the Underworld) and retrieve a magical rock that can save their world. The only problem is that the ruling council of the Underworld objects to their quest, and the rock can only be obtained through a series of terrible trials. Along the way, they meet an Underworlder, Karina, who cheerfully volunteers to risk her life to help them, and Julian has to decide if she is simply a girl with a very kind heart, or if she is actually a spy for the council. A fast-paced adventure filled with exciting twists and turns, this hilarious spoof of adventure/hero stories will be enjoyed by both the young and the not-so-young!

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